Monday, December 5, 2011

Sharing or Not

Generally Eli is pretty good at sharing with his siblings.  He'll play with Tori and she'll lead the playing, but mostly he's playing with his toys with her toys.  He'll help Christian with his lego's and other activities, but once again he is usually the 'helper' or gopher.

Over Thanksgiving weekend, a four year old came to visit.  Eli usually isn't around kids close to his age or boys that are interested in his toys, so this was a true test.  For most of the weekend he seemed to play with C.J. and share his toys.  He had a few instances that were not so friendly.  Eli was playing with is fire trucks in the living room and C.J. came into play.  Eli wasn't playing with his police truck, so C.J. started playing with it.  As soon as Eli noticed, he started crying that it was his toy and C.J. couldn't play with it.  Unfortunately he got a hard lesson in sharing that day.  He was told several times that he needed to share, but this didn't stop the tears.  Luckily he seemed to eventually accept it and a pre-school brawl didn't break out on the playground that day.  Sharing in kindergarten may be his big lesson for that year.

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