Missing Us
Christian, Tori and Eli have been at their grandparents’ house this week. We have skyped with them nearly every night. Christian usually gives us a detailed report of the day’s activities, while Tori and Eli weave in and out of the picture. Christian seems fine. Tori seems more than fine, avoiding us for the first couple of days because she was too busy to chat. Eli, well, he’s our baby, and he is missing us. He misses me, his dad, his toys, his room. Lucky for him, he gets to come home tomorrow. Huts is looking forward to the grin that will no doubt be on his face. Years ago, when we picked up Christian after a week away, he was grinning ear to ear. Huts says it was the biggest smile he has ever seen on that kid’s face, and we are wondering if Eli is going to do the same. Christian was quivering in excitement at the sight of us. Maybe Eli will too. Awww!
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