Friday, May 15, 2009

Since Eli has learned to crawl he has become a man of action. He'll pull himself up on everything. Dump his pile of clean diapers on the floor. Once up on the couch, he grabs onto the back pillow cushion, yanks on it repeatedly until he falls down and the cushion falls on top of him. Then he repeats the cycle after we reset the cushion. He loves this game.

Unfortunately, his actions have posed a few new risks. Like his new found love of diving head first off the couch! He also likes trying to dive over the side of the arms of the couch. I caught him last night or he would've conked his head on the floor and we might've made a trip to the emergency room. Last night was also a first. While we were grocery shopping he decided to stand-up in the grocery cart seat, hang onto the handle and bounce himself up and down. Talk about wondering if your kid is going to hit his head!

The only thing he doesn't like is when we leave him alone in a room and he realizes we are gone. If he's playing, he's fine until he realizes that we aren't in the room. Then he crawls crying looking for us. He also cries when I leave him at the sitter's every morning. He's got a bit of separation anxiety, but it will pass.

Unfortunately for us, all this extra physical activity hasn't lead to Eli sleeping through the night or sleeping later than usual. Which leaves his parents still tired and hoping that he will sleep through the night faster than his sister's record of 18 months.

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