Saturday, December 5, 2009

One Step Forward, One Burnt Foot

Wednesday night was not a good night for Eli. After cooking dinner he was playing on the island counter top and stepped on a still warm burner! He screamed in pain and was inconsolable for the next hour or so. He got Tylenol and we tried aloe vera. He wouldn't hold still long enough for us to cool his foot off with water or ice. He screamed during his bath because it made his foot hurt. Luckily he calmed down and fell asleep at 6:30. At 7 I tried to put him down, but he woke up again. So we went back downstairs until 7:30 when he was out.

At 10 he awoke crying, he got more medicine and tried sleeping with his Mama in our bed. That didn't work, so he slept with me in the bed in his room. He made it from 11 to 4 am without much stirring. Then at 4 he started thrashing around, so he got more medicine and slept until 5:15 which is close to the time for us to get up. He played the day away without a problem with his foot. It is a bit blistered now, but it is much better and he is on the mend.

In other Eli news, he's joined in the wrestling sessions with the other kids. He grabs onto your leg until you pick him up and tickle him. He still gets a bit jealous when I'm tossing the other kids around, but at least I can play with all 3 of them instead of having to pick up Eli because he is screaming and doesn't understand.

He's also getting his molars finally. 2 on the bottom are on the way out, 2 on the top haven't completely poked through, but there on the way. Only 8 more teeth to go and he'll have his full set of baby teeth. That will allow him to eat more things like the peanuts and chips he currently doesn't chew all the way (see below post). We are hopeful that he'll also start sleeping through the night once his teeth are all in.

Lastly, he's beginning to speak a bit more. He wakes his brother up with "Hi, Hi, Hi, Hi" every morning. He'll say bye on occasion and will occasionally get out another word, like Elmo. He also is starting to watch TV cartoons/sesame street. If we are lucky that'll translate his screaming for things into words soon.

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