Sunday, August 10, 2008

Knock, Knock

Who's there? Its me, Eli! I was a whopper too. You could tell fish stories about me if I was a fish. I was born 8/7/08 at 10:24 am. I came in at 20.5 inches long and 9 lbs. 5.6 ounces. If the doctor could've strung me up and for a winner photo he would've. He had to push 3 times to get me out of Mama's tummy. My big sister Tori only took 1 push, so I he had his work cut out for him.

As you can see, I have rolls. Rolls over my ears, extra chins and chubby legs. Ollie and Tori love me like crazy. Ollie has been hugging me and kissing me multiple times on every visit. Tori is a little less impressed, but she has given her share of loving as well. They both love holding me and Ollie gets to hold me all by himself.

Hopefully I will get to come home today, but I may have to wait another day. Mama is ready to come home and so am I. I'll also get a chance to meet the kitties who I'm sure will love me. I hope to see you all soon!

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