Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Toy Story Kick

Lately Eli has been on a Toy Story kick. He dressed up in his almost too small Buzz costume and bounced around on the trampoline this weekend. He zoomed the Pizza Planet truck and Buzz cars all over the house. He watched the movies about five times in the car. He flew Buzz all over. He even got new Toy Story tennis shoes. Woody and Buzz--how can you beat them?

Last Thursday night Eli went to kindergarten registration. We filled out some paperwork and got some tips, while Eli sat criss-cross applesauce in a kindergarten room. Tori went down with him and told us that he was very good. Amazing. The only time tears came was when he had to leave and did not get a turn at the SmartBoard. He asked his dad the other day when he was going to get a turn. Soon, Eli, very soon!

And, now that school is so near, Eli has started eating better. He ate regular macaroni and cheese the other day, not the microwavable cups, and scarfed down everything we put down in front of him yesterday. Now, if he would just take care of his business in the bathroom himself.

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